The department has a team of well qualified professionals who are committed to providing a clinically effective service to patients.
Services provided include:
- Evaluations based on Standardized Assessment Scales (CCITN/CCPN)
- Medical Consultation eased through direct access to specialists available on hopistal’s panel.
- Hydrotherapy
- Training in Personal-Social area
- Cognitive training
- Home Programmes and follow-up facility are available for those who visit us from far off places.
This Early Intervention center also provides knowledge about the following additional approaches to maximize specially able children’s potential:
- Yoga
- Oral Stimulation
- Appropriate Feeding Postures
- Parent Support Groups
- Tackling Psycho-social / Family Issues
It encompasses
- Social time
- Play therapy
- Developmental Therapy
- Vision Therapy
- Yoga Therapy
- Aquatic Therapy
- Music Therapy
- Early Childhood Special Education
- Occupational Therapy
- Sensory Integration
- Speech Therapy
- Physical Therapy
These are provided through interspersed group and individual sessions.
There are two batches in early intervention center. Each batch comes twice a week for two and a half hour each day.
It caters to children between 0-5 yrs of age.
Early intervention sessions are conducted by well qualified interventionist, physical therapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and yoga therapist.